Originally Posted by bbki
Since nobody care about Vinyl Records, the ultimate form of musical doucheries.
As someone who once had a collection of 2,000+ records I take great offense to this sir...It's Mr.Musical Douche to you.
Among my favorite videogame related records includes the Parappa the Rapper 2 45", Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon RSD first print, and Space Channel 5 ReadyMade Remixes (Wiki is missing the Planet Dance 12").
Brutal Legend didn't only release a 12" of the soundtrack they also had a promotion with Best Buy where if you preordered the game through them you would also get this gatefold LP sleeve that was designed to store the game.
But easily the coolest thing ever has to be the Parappa the Rapper Vinyl Killer promo.
Now if anyone here ever gets their hands on the Ghost in the Shell Playstation Soundtrack (Picture Disc Edition) I'll throw my wallet at you.