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Old 10-03-2014, 08:08 PM
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Rsm7 Rsm7 is offline
Rsm7's Flag is: Spain
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 51
Default Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I know this will be considered spam...but I have to share this with you, as it's related to this topic...I'm very very disappointed...
As you may know, Gamestop is closing all their shops here in Spain. They say that it wasn't worthy anymore trying to remain in the spanish market and blah blah blah...

So...this is my HUGE problem. I had(well, I still have) my "The Witcher 3" collector's edition preordered with them. They told me not to worry, because Game would be taking care of all the preorders from Gamestop...the only thing I had to do was keeping my ticket.

Today, a friend phoned me. He said he went to his Gamestop habitual store this morning, and they told him that the preorders weren't assured, so he'd better go to Game, preorder again his games there (if possible), and cancel his preorder in GS.

I've phoned my Game store...and they've told me that they haven't received any order about preorders from Gamestop.

I cannot talk now with my GS store because nobody answers the phone, and the customer service doesn't answer either.

So...what's my situation now? I "have" two important preorders (AC Unity and TW3), that I don't even know if I still have them kept, if I'll ever know what's going case of TW3, if I'll be able to do something with that preorder...I mean, if it's still awaiting for me somewhere.

I'm sorry for the long text guys...but I've got many bad feelings right now.
TW3 collector's was my biggest preorder since I'm playing videogames, it's sold out practically everywhere, and nobody is able to tell me if I will receive it or not when the day comes. What should I do?
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