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Old 07-10-2015, 02:11 AM
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Posts: 49
Default E3 & Videogame Mystery Boxes for Charity

Hey everyone, it's me again, and I've got a mountain of swag and games I'd like to sell. For those of you not familiar, the Get-Well Gamers Foundation is dedicated to providing for children's hospitals year-round, supplying everything from classic video game systems to brand new next-generation systems to over 200 hospitals around the world.

After generously receiving a large amount of "swag" that can't go to the hospitals from E3 the last few years, we decided the best way to raise money for the foundation was to put together Mystery Boxes. Each box will contain both exclusive and random items picked up at E3 in the last few years as well as items donated. We have T-Shirts, Pins, Magnets, Posters, Lanyards, rare items, you name it.

Here is just a small sample of some of the items we have for the Mystery Boxes:

Choose which tier you'd like and we'll fill the box with awesome things equal to or greater in value.

$50 E3 Mystery Box
$75 E3 Mystery Box
$100 E3 Mystery Box

PayPal and checks accepted. Please specify shirt size as well as console or PC preference for games.

If you'd like to take a look at our more valuable items for sale, check out our eBay page:

The Get-Well Gamers Foundation is a California-Based 501(c)(3) Public Charity dedicated to bringing video games and electronic entertainment to hospitalized children. The Foundation currently makes video games,
systems, and accessories available to more than 1.5 million children in 200 healthcare facilities worldwide.

Last edited by fromsinkingsands; 07-10-2015 at 02:15 AM.