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Old 11-30-2015, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: Build Your Own Spartan - Halo 5 3D Printed Figures

Originally Posted by Life Is Prime View Post
THAT there is the problem. Unlocking armor. Having played quite often I get the allure for REQ packs, but some armors should have been tied with Spartan Rank so that there is a balance. As it is, I can unlock a helmet piece and not get the connecting armor even if I opened 50 packs.
Completely agree with you. As it is, I've played zero multiplayer and maybe an hour or two of the campaign before I jumped back into Destiny/Tomb Raider. I'd say I wish there was more time during the day, but then I'm sure I'd fill it with other "important" things besides games haha.

Hopefully these things are still available down the road though. It's a pretty cool thing to have for any Halo fan!
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth
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