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Old 05-07-2016, 06:34 AM
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KnightOfTruth KnightOfTruth is offline
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KnightOfTruth's Flag is: United States
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Default Re: Steelbooks For Sale

Hey there friend, you can read the rules on posting for sale items by clicking on "the marketplace" and reviewing the stickied rules thread , but one key rule is that you MUST post prices for every item. If you don't know the market rate, you can always ask, or just set it for what you'd be happy to get for it and put "OBO" (I think you can still do that).

Welcome to the forum
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth