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Old 11-03-2011, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: Collector's Editions getting out of hand! (An open request to video game publishe

I can live with not being able to buy every CE release. I don't buy collector's/special/limited non-regular editions because they're limited or they're called 'collector's editions', I buy them because they appeal to me.

For instance, I bought the Gran Turismo 5 Collector's Edition and the Driver San Francisco Collector Pack for two reasons: I'm a diecast collector but more importantly, I have always been and will always be a fan of these two franchises. In contrast, I'd never buy a Call of Duty CE even for the price of the standard edition because I'm not into FPS that much to begin with, but the bigger reason is because I despise Call of Duty.

What can I say?
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