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Old 01-16-2021, 07:21 AM
Twisted Twisted is offline
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Default Re: First Forum Post! - WTB: Uncharted 2 FOLIO & Uncharted 2 FORTUNE HUNTER Edition

Your absolutely correct! it is still exceedingly rare! and difficult to obtain..but from the Fortune Hunter editions that are known to be out there in the wild..for some rhyme or reason..there heavily skewed towards the Singapore, Japan, Australia region where they were popping up for sale more frequently on the Secondary market like Ebay etc.. dare i say in "bulk" meaning these sellers had access to more than 1..for instance 1 particular seller in Japan had for sale 3-4 of them..but that Australia seller takes the cake! with 10 up for grabs on Ebay..both sellers were selling them at relatively higher prices so they were trying to "scalp" for sure!!..the hypothesis on this forum when those 2 sellers were discovered was the factory where they were put together was most likely in that hemisphere of the world.

Keep in mind..majority of these big conglomerates like SONY..rarely if ever actually "declare" official numbers produced..they will always refer you to the "contest release promotion advertisements"..they will stick by what the "Legal Department" for their promotional division puts out for public release..later on, some years down the road..some fired, retired, or resigned Sony manager or Naughty Dog producer might "whisper" something about it here and there...the reason why most Big Corporates don't leak out numbers or because these companies have such large footprints and fall under various legal jurisdictions and laws, that if they declare such an elaborate item was handed out to so and so employee then their might be tax liability issues or values must be declared for tax codes etc..or it might be seen as a "bribe" that's why most companies stick by the "publicly" released information only...think about it..these promotions are produced within a certain "budget"..there's no way!..they would fire up a factory and tell all these different component makers we only want ten in would prohibitively all those people who had a say in it..helped put it together..came up with the promo idea in the first place..would also be entitled to and receive 1 as a gift..since it's "there baby" so to speak.

But it is IS RARE..and VERY difficult to obtain TODAY in 2021...5-6 years back..there were SEVERAL listed all at once on those sellers i alluded to still holds can take pride in it..but it's not as rare as officially advertised.but that holds true for most things like how Stadium Events has a mythical following like one of the ultimate Unicorn for NES NTSC collecting or how "EarthBound" for SNES is considered very rare and valuable etc..when in Canada one particular person has 10 SEALED copies of STADIUM EVENTS etc..that he's been holding on to forever etc.he said, he's lived a good life! he does'nt need the money so he will pass them down to his grandkids.but Stadium Events still sells at a high price because his 10 sealed copies are "Off the Market"...but that's just the world we live in and how things work!

Last edited by Twisted; 01-16-2021 at 07:28 AM. Reason: edit