I don't think it's fair to blame Zavvi for this revelations, it wasn't their decision to make changes to the "Ultimate Edition" [which is technically just scrapped]. This was Konami's doing and had chosen to no longer make a 'worldwide' exclusive, which was probably due to production cost? Who knows, but don't blame Zavvi, they weren't in any control of this imo.
Originally Posted by Johnny
Nope now it is available for xbox but sold out fast and i would prefer the xbox version over the ps3 one.
I really don't think the Xbox360 version was ever on offer to begin with, it looks at though Zavvi was too lazy in creating a different page for the game and putting a proper name to it. They're probably creating a proper one right now and will soon open for pre-order for both formats, and will not be exclusive to Zavvi either.