whew... finally caught up with most of the new releases that have been announced over the last few weeks. I'll be making news posts for some of them but getting them into the database is my #1 priority.
One discerning thing I've noticed is that nearly every new EA game coming out has a "Limited Edition" release. These aren't LEs that are sold along side the regular edition, rather these are "First Edition" releases.
For those who don't know a First Edition is basically an LE or CE that is the only version of a game that is available around the time of the games release date, where a less special regular edition comes out at a later date. This occurs frequently with books where the First edition is generally more expensive and hard bound while subsequent releases are cheaper paperbacks.
It would seem that EA is employing the book publisher's strategy by rewarding release-day buyers of their games. Most of these only really provide a few in-game perks, like bonus XP or access to cars and weapons earlier in the game that players of the regular edition would have to play a bit before they could use.
They've employed this tactic with Battlefield Bad Company 2 "Limited Edition" already and so far three upcoming games have a similar LE announced:
- Crysis 2
- Medal of Honor
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
It will be interesting to see if this trend continues or if other publishers will follow suit. I personally will not be adding any of these games to my collection unless I happen to be buying it anyway. I think it's a great for the average gamer but seems to cheapen the "Limited Edition" title a bit....
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