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Old 12-12-2011, 03:13 AM
Chargersfan57 Chargersfan57 is offline
Chargersfan57's Flag is: United States California
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Posts: 270
Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by rapidly-greying View Post
Hello all,pleasures all mine.

Anyway,i've recently ordered 2 copies of this,one for myself to drool over and the other to eventually sell for a wee profit.

My quandry is that its been up on Zavvi for preorder for a good few days now and is yet to be sold out. Does that point to everybody having ordered a copy that wants a copy, and that my spare copy wont really escalate in price due to everybody that wants it already having it?

I thought it would be really popular but as I said,its still available to preorder. If its not going to a good investment then i'll just get the one copy for myself and cancel the other.

Well, I think it took about 2 days for the original 4,000 to sell out. So if you go by that logic then 13,000 should sell out in a little over 6 days. (4,000 every 2 days).

I think they went up on the 7th right then it should sell out around the 14th give or take.

That's using the same numbers and time frame mind you.

These are STILL very limited. I know not 4,000 limited, however there are WAY more than 13,000 hardcore MGS fans out there. After all MGS4 is the second highest selling ps3 game in the UK according to Chart-Track, not to mention how well it has sold over here in the states.

Our U.S. limited edition is selling for big bucks on ebay and these steelbook ones are far nicer (the US LE only includes the artbook and the regular plastic game in a cardboard case) and I believe more limited!

Last edited by Chargersfan57; 12-12-2011 at 03:22 AM.