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Old 01-13-2012, 07:32 PM
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scourdx scourdx is offline
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Default Re: Xbox 360 games more valuable than PS3's?

Since most of the game are developed for 360, they have the tendency to have better game developed and tested than PS3. Also take into factor some of the games like Call of Duty, GTA IV, Borderlands, Fallout and many others have first release DLC. When it comes to patches, 360 will gets them first before PS3 (I am looking at you Skyrim).

The two factor that gets me purchasing the PS3 version more than the 360 is the fact it is Bluray disc. You don't need to swap disc and some developer add more content on bluray than the 360 version. The other would be it is region free regardless where you buy the game from. It really depends on users preference. I am fine with both system.
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