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Old 01-27-2012, 05:04 AM
Twisted Twisted is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

my new theory is ..indeed PS3 AND XBOX360 BOTH will be stickerbooks, the initial run of genuine ps3 steelbooks product was cancelled, and reformatted for this new jumbo boxes, so konami probably decided to disperse the real ps3 steelbooks to specific vendors who expressed interests or hand them to select retailers in obscure places, that cannot or will not be offering the limited edition, and just a standard edition, so they have a "perk" to move regular copies of games, since the original program got "scrapped" konami probably just wrote off the ps3 real steelbooks, and placed in fresh orders for the stickerbooks for these jumbo boxes, and recouped there losses by the original ps3 steelbook run by switching over to stickerbooks...techinically speaking there still made of steel,..just a decal on top of it, konami can still claim there "books of steel" so a "steelbook"...of the 4,000 run,..(we all know it's more like 400,000.) 10 or 20 people on these forums complaining is not gonna fact majority of the people won't care either way,..they'll rip that box right open, wear, wash and launder the shirt, play the game, bang up the stickerbook, and then trade it in..were a small minority of collectors...a dozen e-mails of complaints vs. 10,000 satisfied customers,..konami/zavvi/eb could care less.