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Old 01-29-2012, 06:56 PM
Chargersfan57 Chargersfan57 is offline
Chargersfan57's Flag is: United States California
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 270
Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

I was able to cancel my preorder. I had put in my request on Friday and they cancelled it. I think being located in the US was the only reason I was still able to cancel.

I sent them this message:

"Hi, I have the PS3 version of the Metal Gear Solid HD collection Limited edition ordered. I'm worried because I just saw your unboxing video of the 360 version and noticed that it is in fact a sticker book and not a steelbook.

If that's the case, then that is not what was advertised and I would appreciate it if my order would be cancelled. My order #.................

However, if the PS3 version is still receiving the legitement steelbook than I will gladly keep my order.

Please let me know because it this point, I'm not quite sure what I've ordered.

Thanks in advance Zavvi!"

I guess we pretty much already know that the PS3 version is a sticker book as well. Well, since they went ahead and canceelled my order. There is further proof for anybody still unsure.