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Old 01-29-2012, 11:27 PM
kennyrh kennyrh is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by MayBee View Post
lots of confusion.

a stickerbook is a steelbook.

so..when asked if it's a stickerbook or a steelbook, these companies are going to say "STEELBOOK" because it is indeed a STEELBOOK.

Next time, we need to ask "is this a PRINTED artwork steelbook or a STICKER artwork steelbook"
No . . .next time we need to ask "have you got a fucking brain ??" because these guys wouldn't know a steelbook/stickerbook from a hole in their arse.

With regard to a stickerbook BEING a steelbook . . .well yes technically. But ask a collector and they'll tell you that a stickerbook ain't worth a wank