@dlc28: oooh, Xbox360 version, this should be interesting since we've seen the Konami unboxing video

We're all counting on your to make the reveal and put some questions to rest
Originally Posted by Madigan

Jim Carey

Funny gif there
Originally Posted by goonergaz
this is completely nuts - I even got a reply on facebook confirming stickerbook!?
personally I don't take that picture of proof of anything - I mean, how do we know it's the UK version even!?
The bottom pic was taken from the official unboxing video of the Xbox360 version recently released, which was also a UK version though a 'stickerbook' was revealed!

This is a UK PS3 version showing a real steelbook case!!

The pic was taken by a customer who received their order.
@V: Where's yours? Or did you cancel your order??