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Old 01-31-2012, 10:52 AM
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Gemini-Phoenix Gemini-Phoenix is offline
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Default Re: Xbox 360 games more valuable than PS3's?

From the start, X360 CE's have always demanded a higher price than PS3 CE's, where both exist as multi-format releases

I think it's because the X360 has a much bigger user base, and therefore demand is higher. I personally prefer X360 CE's over the PS3, so much so that I even collect extra X360 consoles to ensure that I will always have something to play them on in the future.

Bear in mind that the X360 was first to market, and had a good year and a bit head start on the PS3. In that time there were several major CE releases such as Dead Rising, Bioshock, Halo 3, Perfect Dark Zero, Mass Effect, Gears Of War, COD 4 etc, and many collectors started collecting for the X360 long before the PS3 came out. Even once the PS3 was out, it would be a while before the CE craze caught on.

If you also compare the amount of X360 CE's available with how many PS3 CE's are available, I would guess that it's a ratio of 2:1! The X360 stil receives many more exclusive titles than the PS3, and some multi-format games even have some CE's exclusive to the Xbox but not the PS3...

Last edited by Gemini-Phoenix; 02-02-2012 at 05:47 AM.
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