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Old 02-05-2012, 09:00 PM
havuk havuk is offline
havuk's Flag is: United States
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 37
Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by goonergaz View Post
well if it's different to that already posted then it's more likely a stickerbook

the latest info is that there were XX that were real steelies and the rest are stickerbooks...this was confirmed by zavvi and would explain why we have been told PS3s are stickerbooks all along.

there must be a way for zavvi to tell them apart, the only sure way is the theory all stock should be scanned at entry and exit of the stores...this was the practice when I worked in stores for a company around 12 years ago would be the only way to easily keep stock levels right and far cheaper than any other potential system.

WOW i just went back through this thread and everyone of your posts is talking about the first 4000 are "steelies" and all others are gonna be stickerbooks.. i have a strong feeling you're going to be VERY disappointed when we all get steelbooks with the PS3 version..

if there are PS3 stickerbooks, why hasn't anyone recieved one yet?
zavvi hasn't been correct on anything about this release yet you take every word they say as the gospel??

Last edited by havuk; 02-05-2012 at 09:16 PM.