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Old 02-05-2012, 09:30 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by goonergaz View Post
I don't disagree mate, but then why tell val that the last of the real steelies were now gone? And why in a seperate facebook post say that there were so many real and the rest stickerbooks?

Just saying folk should be wary - don't forget this was changed so it could be that those 4K had been made already so then they switched the rest to stickerbooks
Sounds all good about what you said about the barcodes, had two different barcodes existed then I may actually have some belief...but alas, that doesn't exist

This is Zavvi you're talking about....I really shouldn't need to say more but...

Why haven't Zavvi proven [physically] about the [mythological] elusive PS3 Stickerbook? Had they shown a video or real pics or if Konami themselves confirmed it....then I'd most likely believe it more and if it was actually confirm by a customer [by at least x100 customers] then that's it then!