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Old 02-07-2012, 03:04 AM
stavie33 stavie33 is offline
stavie33's Flag is: United States
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 106
Default Just got my hands on Kingdoms of Amalur Exclusive edition, how high will it go?

So I just took money out of my savings for a car (which I won't need for a few years now that I'm going to Japan for a while) to buy the Exclusive edition, the one with only 12 made. Got it for 360 for $2200. It will be the crown jewel of my collection.

I think it's definitely worth it, but how high do you think it will go overtime? I really don't know, but I keep all my collectors editions sealed, I have everything since Perfect Dark to Mass Effect 1 sealed still, and I'm planning to keep it for years, but will it go exponentially or flatten out like Dead Space? I'd hope it hits $20,000 or something but that may be really unrealistic. Thoughts?
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