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Old 02-08-2012, 11:45 AM
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Solemn_In_Berlin Solemn_In_Berlin is offline
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Default Re: Just got my hands on Kingdoms of Amalur Exclusive edition, how high will it go?

^ Okay, cool. Will be looking forward to those.

Sorry to hear you selling your Tales of Vesperia and Fallout 3 limited editions. Sometimes, I am also tempted to sell my editions. Like just a while back, someone was offering me PHP 63,500 (about $1500) for my Killzone 3 Limited Helghast Edition. I turned it down. I don't regret it, as the LHE is so special to me. I'm not really an FPS guy, but I enjoy Killzone. More than that, the LHE is so special because I didn't buy it; I actually won it. So yeah.

Anyway, enough storytelling for me. I hope you take care of your Exclusive Edition. If you somehow someway get tired of it, just let me know and I'll be first in line. :wink: Kidding aside, congrats again.

What can I say?
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