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Old 11-23-2010, 11:28 PM
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gurpswoo1's Flag is: UK United Kingdom (UK)
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Default Re: Little Big Planet 2 Collector's Edition (PS3) [2]

That is pretty stupid.

But don't lament the Euro's - You guys get a lot of cool collectors editions we don't see in the North America.

i.e. - Final Fantasy XIII, Kingdom Hearts : BBS, Crisis Core, Killzone 2, GT5 Signature, et cetera, et cetera.
I think the tide has been turning a little in Europe for some Collector's edition, it's ture we have recently been getting some Limited edition that the NTSC don't get but all the years prior we were left behind. We did miss out on some good ones recently aswell. including: Dead space Ultra Edition, Tales of vesperia Limited edition, Atelier rorona limited edition, metal gear solid Peace walker edition. steelbook releases such as Metroid prime trilogy, dragon age edition and starwars force unleashed 1. We just got a cardboard slip cover. Also most releases that have ultra low numbers i.e 1000 units or less seem to be exclusive to USA / Canada, not all thouggh.

My biggest issue however is the price difference for the same edition. If an Edition cost you $70 it will likely cost us £55-£65. a total rip off. It's not just the games it's the console aswell. Everything seems to more expensive and there's no relation to the exchange rate.

If the price was right I could live with missing some releases here but as we are paying a huge premium we should get the best possible release. Which is why this little big planet Steelbook is really annoying me. At £54.99 it's day light robbery compared the NTSC edition version which works out cheaper than our steelbook.
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