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Old 11-28-2010, 06:13 PM
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twistedsymphony twistedsymphony is offline
twistedsymphony's Flag is: United States NH
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Default Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition (Xbox 360) [NTSC]

My Personal opinion of this release...

the box look like a typical RC car box, there's pretty much ZERO attention to detail given to the internal packaging (see Halo Reach for what PROPER internal packaging is like).

The SteelBook was really nice as was the box with the medal. The RC car would have been a cool toy when I was a child but it's not something I really have any use for today... I think given the rating of this game it doesn't make much sense why it was included...

I would have liked a replica pistol in a shadowbox with the medal, or something along those lines. If they wanted to make it functional maybe an Airsoft gun? that would have been way cooler IMO.

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