Originally Posted by Cosmic_Link
lol Thanks! ^o^
Nope the Join or die editon is still definitely £30 cheaper... http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubiemea/en...ctID.247998800
The Freedom one is £20 cheaper. Makes me want to buy the PC version and then just pick up the xbox game at a later date when it's price drops! lol
So the figure will be a plastic figure then... The others were nice figures. need to think carefully about it now... lol
Yeah, that's why they develop the games on the 360 and port them over. That's why I always get my multi-platform titles on the 360...
lol you're right, but then again I can't see the prices on the EU/UK Ubi site cos of my region

I was checking out the prices at Play.com
It's £20 cheaper for the PC 'J or D'.
But Freedom is AU$20 cheaper for the PC for us here.

[same thing for Animus last year].
As for the figure...I don't think Ubi have ever released a resin or polyresin statue before...and the fact that they're calling it a 'figure' would most likely mean it's made of plastic of some sort?! It'd also be cheaper to manufacture, ergo, why the price isn't higher than it is!