Thread: Borderlands 2
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Old 04-09-2012, 01:18 AM
dividedbyn1ght dividedbyn1ght is offline
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Default Re: Borderlands 2 Specials

That is AWESOME. I can't wait for this to come out.

The team also announced that there will be a number of special editions for the game in a number of tiers. Mention was made of one edition costing $99 and another after that for $149 which will actually come in a physical loot box from the game! At some point the plan is to add a new character called the “Mechromancer”, another female character!
What can a Mechromancer do? That’s not entirely locked down at this time but we were shown concept art of what was referred to as “Deathtrap”. Borderlands 2 just got real. The plan is to launch this DLC within 60 to 90 days of the game launching, though nothing is concrete at this time.

Some of the game's special edition premiums—which the studio had put up to a suggestion box last year—also were revealed. There will be two tiers of special editions. The "Deluxe Vault Hunters Edition" at $99, gets a Marcus Kincaid bobble head. He's the weapons supplier with the lothario accent who narrates the first game. The second, an "Ultimate Loot Chest Edition" (pictured above) delivers you a stylized Borderlands loot chest with all the goodies packed inside. It doesn't open up with hydraulics—it's more like a jewelry box, but it matches a community suggestion as best it could. More goodies and premiums in both editions will be announced later.

Last edited by dividedbyn1ght; 04-09-2012 at 01:24 AM.
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