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Old 01-10-2011, 12:46 AM
Collector's Edition Collector's Edition is offline
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Arrow Bloodline Champions axes VIP membership


Ahead of this month’s launch, Funcom has dropped the VIP membership subscription option from arena-based PVP title Bloodline Champions. Previously exclusive features will now be integrated into existing subscription tiers, so get back in the queue with the rest of the hopefuls; we’re all plebs now.

Those who pre-ordered a Champion Edition expecting two months of VIP treatment will be compensated with USD $10 worth of Funcom Points to fritter away on micro-transactions.

Funcom now proffers just two subscription packages on top of the standard free service – Champion and Titan. With the demolition of the VIP category, all tiers will now receive the advanced stats option, and VIP tournaments will be incorporated into regular offerings.

Champion and Titan subscribers will both have access to advanced bots, while ad-free VoIP services will be reserved for the now-supreme Titans alone. Our new overlords are also eligible for a lifetime of free new characters, the smug little … individuals.

The Bloodline Champions website has the full list of changes as well as tabular break down of the different tiers.

Thanks, BigDownload!
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