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Old 05-14-2012, 12:53 PM
Ryu Kazama Ryu Kazama is offline
Ryu Kazama's Flag is: UK
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 463
Default Re: A New "Challenger" Appears...

Get the DMC HD Collection and start there. Start from DMC1, skip DMC2 (not as good but it's very short if you do decide to play it) and then DMC3. DMC3 is a prequel but it's gameplay is vastly expanded over 1.

Then you play DMC4 but story wise it's pretty weak with no actual revelation on who the hell Nero is but it's a decent game. Major downside was too much uninteresting backtracking and the change between Nero to Dante to me was really jarring. It's still fun though!

They're all relatively short, with DMC1, 3 and 4 providing about 15-20 hours of gameplay on first run. DMC2 about 5 (it's also the easiest game). All have great replay value, harder modes, new moves, updated version of Dante (Super Dante, Super Vergil, Nero Angelo!)

Definitely worth playing DMC3 at least.
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