For me, collecting isn't always about whether or not something is ultra limited.
I started collecting because my boyfriend collected, and he wasn't exactly the best at hunting down a specific CE he was looking for, so he'd tell me what it was and I'd find it for him. After about a year of this, he'd only collected a small amount and I was starting to get interested in CEs myself. We used the main page on this site to find out what was due for release (as we never knew there was a forum) and then about a month after I decided to start collecting, I found the forum, signed up and never looked back XD
I'm quite bad for collecting though, in the sense that, no matter what it is that's due for release, I'll preorder it. I just preorder everything, and then if it gets to nearer the release date and I can't afford it, I cancel the things I least want (instead of just buying them anyway to sell on to make money back).
I also have the view that if somebody keeps things sealed, it's for resale value. I know a few people on here that keep things sealed because they think they look better sealed, so of course there is that point of view too, but probably 99% of sealed collectors do it for resale value alone.
I really dislike resellers. I mean, fair enough, people who sell their OWN things, because they have to, for instance: needing the money, lack of space, found a better condition copy and selling the old one, etc, but people who buy purely to sell on kinda annoy me (I say kinda, it REALLY annoys me LOL)
I mean, of course, I've been lucky this whole year (since it's only just been a year since I began collecting) in that, all of the CEs I've
really wanted, I've managed to get (with one or two exceptions), but even if it's a CE I've managed to get ordered, or whatever, when I see all the listings on ebay, it ticks me off because I feel really bad for all the people who missed out because of bastard resellers >.< (sorry, going off on one!)
Anyway, the perfect CE for me would consist of: a nice steelbook, digipak or tin (not standard game case), a nice big artbook (think Skyrim CE), a nice statue or figure, a little tidbit or two of items related to the game (a coin, a pendant, a diary, etc), a physical CD soundtrack, a pass for all future DLC (I mean, if you're spending all that extra cash on a CE, this should be a given!), all packaged in a nice outer box. And heck, if it's numbered too, that's a bonus.
But if I was to choose between a CE filled with all of that ^ (minus the numbering) and a CE with just a standard game, in a flimsy box, with some DLC and a numbered COA (even if limited to something crazy like 5) then I'd most definitely go for the one filled with stuff!
It takes a lot more than just a numbered bit of paper to sway me
