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Old 06-12-2012, 09:26 AM
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vhal_x vhal_x is offline
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vhal_x's Flag is: Scotland Glasgow, Scotland.
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

I started collecting roughly a year ago, and I collect pretty much anything and everything.

I don't have a lot of money, so what money I do have, I tend to scrimp and save for a few weeks and then blow it all on a few things, or in busier months, I order as much as I can, as it goes along.

If you keep a close eye on when money goes into your bank, and when money is due out (for example, for rent and bills, if you have any of those) and then work your "CE spending money" around that, it becomes quite easy to keep track of.

I have a habit of preordering everything I see that I like, and then working them into my budget, and then if, nearer the release date, I can't afford everything I've preordered, I cancel the ones I least want.

I also felt that I started collecting late, as being only 19 (nearly 20), I obviously missed all the things from years ago. But there are so many new CEs coming out practically every month that you soon realise it's never too late to start

And you can always browse ebay and sometimes find older CEs for a bargain (as a lot of sellers might not know what they have )

Hope I helped xx
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Last edited by vhal_x; 06-12-2012 at 11:07 AM.
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