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Old 06-19-2012, 11:19 AM
inspectahlol inspectahlol is offline
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inspectahlol's Flag is: Germany
Join Date: Jun 2012
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Default Newbie wants to start - which country-versions?

Hello together,

I am long-term avid gamer, work myself in the industry and recently started to collect limited/special/collectors editions of games. I really appreciate the existence of such a page/board.

One day in the future I might sell my collection. What I ask myself is: Which versions are most likely being saleable then? What I mean is, what country/age rating versions should I collect? Usually I keep them all sealed, so I don't mind the language of the game itself.

I am from Europe, so importing the ESRB (US) ones is expensive. Alternatives would be BBFC (UK), USK (Germany) or PEGI (Europe) and some others.

What is your opinion?

Best regards,

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