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Old 06-21-2012, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Biohazard 6 Premium Edition

Originally Posted by Raasclark View Post
Id love to get involved being a huge Resi fan. But its an awful lot of money, beyond my affordability im afraid.

Still can't get over that this is actually an edition. Its just not fair to the regular joes, you need a decent pay packet for something like this. So to you my friend, which street corner are you on to afford this sort of stuff
Originally Posted by vhal_x View Post
Yeah, £1000 is more than what Allan earns in a month unfortunately, if he was on double the wage he's currently on, and we had no bills to pay, then I'd have probably gone for it. Unfortunately for me though, he isn't and we do have bills haha xx
I'm on the roughly the same, I had been saving since I was in University just in case I needed it (Rainy-Day Fund that sort of thing) and I was about to let the idea of purchasing this CE go but when it went out of stock I snapped. Suffice to say this is why I am currently holding 2 instead of just 1.

God I wish I had some common sense
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