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Old 03-13-2011, 03:29 PM
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heavenzzzz heavenzzzz is offline
heavenzzzz's Flag is: France France
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Default Re: Mortal Kombat Euro Kollector's Edition avalaible for pre-order, some will be disa

Thanks gurpswoo1.

I saw that FNAC is still using the picture of NA version.

Guess they haven't update it yet, that was weired, normally they are very into these CE or exclusivity stuffs.

Hope that means we can get two versions in Europe, then we won't need to import it (for those who prefer a bookend), but i know i am just dreaming

Anyway,the micromania's pre-order sounds like a good deal.

I'll buy the PS3 version, just for Kratos. But i rarely use PS home. So hope i could get a exchange with a XBOX avatar code

Last edited by heavenzzzz; 03-13-2011 at 03:42 PM.