Full Game Name: Gears of War Judgement
Edition Name: EB Games Special Edition
Platform(s): XBOX 360
Region(s): PAL
Release Date: 19/3/2013
Price (RRP): 78 AUD
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description: Game + Steelbook + Multiplayer skins
Content Description:
Gears of War: Judgment EB Games Special Edition contains:
Gears of War: Judgment game
Multiplayer skin unlocks:
Anya Stroud
Fan favorite character Anya Stroud began as a communication officer in the COG army. She was integral to the success of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad in Gears of War and Gears of War 2 by guiding the team over their comms. When the Lambent broke loose on the surface during Gears of War 3, Anya stepped up to the frontlines to fight alongside other Delta members to save the world. This exclusive Anya Stroud Multiplayer Skin will let you play as Anya in competitive multiplayer matches in Gears of War: Judgment.
Alex Brand
Popular Gears of War comic book heroine Alex Brand--playable here for the first time ever--is a tough-as-nails COG Sergeant who fought many battles against the Locust as a member of Foxtrot. Despite Alex?s fierce demeanor, she is extremely loyal to her fellow COG and will do anything to protect them. This exclusive Alex Brand Multiplayer Skin will let you play as Alex in competitive multiplayer matches in Gears of War: Judgment.
Link(s) to source(s): https://www.ebgames.com.au/xbox360-1...ition-Xbox-360
Other Info/Pics: