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Old 01-06-2013, 10:36 AM
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Default Re: Want to buy Assassin's Creed 2 Launch kit and AC3 Launch kit

Originally Posted by jak_1811 View Post
Ebay is almost the only way to get this kind of items...
AC2 kit is not that hard to find, even at good prices, you just have to keep an eye there and get it as soon as somebody puts it up for sale. If I remember well last ones were sold for 150 (mine ) and 200. But no one will ever sell one here on the forum, unless you're willing to spend 500 bucks or more (many other people have tried this before ). AC3 is quite easy to find, I saw people selling just the wooden looking box for 40 $. Good luck
Problem is its harder to search eBay now as an international search does not search all countries so you have to go to each website and search the same thing about 20 times