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Old 11-12-2011, 10:48 AM
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Default Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

I was just browsing the video game sectuon in Morrisons, when I came across what initially appeared to be the Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition for just under £50 quid. However, upon closer inspection I noticed a few differences:

1) This edition was called the "NVG Edition"
2) The box artwork mimicked the cover artwork for MW2
3) The game included inside is NOT the Hardened Edition, just a standard copy of the game

It's simply the game plus the Night Vision Goggles (plus moulded Soap McTavish head)

Here's an example found on eBay:

(hotlinked image)

I initially suspected that these may have been some kind of European import, but the box artwork displays the BBFC logo implying that it's a UK release

Has anyone else noticed these popping up? I've not seen this edition before, and have no idea when it was released. Is it new old stock from two years ago? Or has it been recently silently released? It seems a bit odd that these suddenly surface around the launch of MW3...

Does anyone know when these were released?
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:38 AM
Lemur Lemur is offline
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

If I'm not wrong this was released together with MW2. It's like a cheaper version of the prestige edition with the goggles + normal game inside. Should be a european only release.
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Old 11-12-2011, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

It was released the same time as the standard game, obviously NVG stands for Night Vision Goggle edition - you don't see that many of them, so in fact are quite rare - but it's not a re-release mate.
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Old 11-12-2011, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

This was sold some retailers other than HMV which had the righst to the prestige edition - i remember shopto, group and gameseek +others all selling this edition

IIRC it was released at the start of February after release of MW2 (3 months after) and did not come out initially upon release of the game itself
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Old 11-13-2011, 12:51 AM
Saturn Saturn is offline
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

I remember seeing one of these in a Gamestage store. It was 120 euros.
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Old 11-18-2011, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

I have been trying to find a release date for this edition, I would be surprised if they released this 3 months after original launch.

Did anyone get a copy during launch?
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Old 11-18-2011, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

I am surprised that I have only just discovered it if it has been out since MW2 was released two years ago. Maybe retailers have been storing them up for the MW3 release?

It's also surprising that there's an alternative version with the NVG's in - I thought that was supposed to be the major drawing point of the Prestige Edition? Releasing them in a lesser package without the Hardened Edition inside just cheapens the Prestige Edition
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Old 11-18-2011, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 2 NVG Edition (UK)

I know these were released around the released date but not sure if on or after the game came out.
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