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Old 01-04-2023, 12:33 AM
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Default WTB: Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Press Kit

Want To Buy
Title: Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Press Kit
Platform: N/A (doesn't come with the game, only merchandise)
region: Any, it was sent out to streamers and influencers in multiple regions.
I will pay to have it shipped to the US no matter where it comes from.

Condition: Any, as long as it isn't super damaged (Sealed, new, used,etc)

Hey there folks,

The last month I've been hard at work trying to locate a Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Press Kit. It comes with a bomber jacket, steelbook, box to "not open until the end credits" that contains a branded handkerchief (because you know, all the tears), and a art print. Based on Square Enix's own values they gave for most of the contents I am willing to pay far above what the kit is worth to get it. I also am offering a $100 finder's fee to anyone that knows someone who got one that would be willing to sell me it. Below is what the outside of the box looks like.

This album has what the jacket and other items look like in it but I didn't want to bog this thread down with too many large images.

If you or anyone you know has one you can either DM me on here, reach out to me @Ceravic on Twitter, or @Ceravic#8383 on Discord. I'm really getting impatient to find this so I feel like I'm willing to pay unreasonable prices for this.

Thank you for your time!
Old 01-31-2023, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: WTB: Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Press Kit

Bumping this as this is still something I'm looking for.
Old 02-12-2023, 01:33 PM
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Default Re: WTB: Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Press Kit
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