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Old 04-25-2011, 04:46 PM
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Default Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

Sniper Ghost Warrior is getting two limited edition releases, available for pre-order exclusively at in Austria and will be released on 28th of April 2011. Thankfully shipping is worldwide.

The first is a super limited Survivor Edition which is restricted to 200 units, it includes:
  • Original ammo box from Army stocks with a branded logo of the Sniper title (8.5 X 17.5 X 27 cm)
  • Light stick (10cm)
  • Real camouflage face paint ( Both black and green paint encased in a metal pack with internal mirror)
  • Bandana ? Woodland style
  • Special Edition of sniper ghost warrior in slip case packaging
  • Sniper: Ghost Warrior Dog Tag
  • Artwork for the game
  • Sniper Chronicles, Short Stories of a sniper
  • 5 additional multiplayer maps
  • New multiplayer modes
  • Hardcore difficulty mode
  • Additional single-player challenge : Bonus Missions

The Second is a Special Edition release in Steelbook casing, it includes:
  • Sniper: Ghost Warrior Dog Tag
  • Artwork for the game
  • Sniper Chronicles, Short Stories of a sniper
  • 5 additional multiplayer maps
  • New multiplayer modes
  • Hardcore difficulty mode
  • Additional single-player challenge : Bonus Missions

Pre-order: Survivor Edition here

Pre-order: Special Edition here

Pre-orders can be made at, for those unable to understand German, you will need to use the inbuilt translator in Google chrome. Or use the ordering guide found here: game4game ordering guide for those without Google chrome.

Database Link: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3... View this article on the HomePage.
Old 04-26-2011, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

Nice Edition, love the restriction of 200 units.
Old 04-27-2011, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

For those having issues with ordering from the site, I have been told to write directly to:

Please ensure that you write in German, use google translate, Otherwise they will not reply.

When writing the e-mail, be as simple as possible as the translator will work better.

Mike1888, I got this response from them:

Basically we ship to Canada. Why not work, however, I will undertake a review of our technicians.

Write in the meantime, please send an email to "" then we can help as quickly as possible.
Old 05-04-2011, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

Got my CE today, they are all numbered! Finally a real rare collectors edition.

I only got a different gamebox, it has the dog tag and postcards which should be in the other version. I guess there has been made a mistake, think this is the special edition game not the survivor edition. Box doesn't mention any special or survivor edition, only it has some extra's.

Last edited by MrBubbles; 05-04-2011 at 01:16 AM.
Old 05-04-2011, 03:34 AM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

The website isn't very clear - Well, not to a non-German speaking person at any rate.

I assumed that this version should come with the SteelBook as well as all that other stuff, as that is what is pictured on the webpage which we ordered from:

If you notice, the first picture shows the game with the old design, whereas the following picture (the SteelBook) shows the new re-design since last year

It does say that it includes the Special Edition (which is what I assume to be the SteelBook) - Did you receive a SteelBook?
Old 05-04-2011, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix View Post
The website isn't very clear - Well, not to a non-German speaking person at any rate.

I assumed that this version should come with the SteelBook as well as all that other stuff, as that is what is pictured on the webpage which we ordered from:

If you notice, the first picture shows the game with the old design, whereas the following picture (the SteelBook) shows the new re-design since last year

It does say that it includes the Special Edition (which is what I assume to be the SteelBook) - Did you receive a SteelBook?
This is the package I received yesterday:

The gamesleeve is made of cardboard and the boxart doesn't say special edition or anything. I emailed the staff from the webshop and got this answer:

Das ist alles korrekt. Ursprünglich war von Ubisoft ein Steelbook für die Survivor Edition geplant. Leider wurde das aus zeitlichen Gründen wieder gestrichen. Stattdessen liegt jeder Survivor Edition automatisch die Special Edition des Spiels bei.
My german isn't the best but what I understand from their reply is there was a lack of time so Ubisoft decided to cancel the steelcase version for the Survivor editions and put in the more regular special edition.

What limited number did you guys receive? I got number 200.
Old 05-04-2011, 02:56 PM
matze1975 matze1975 is offline
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

As i wrote on a diffrent thread, I bought one yesterday at my local Gamestop! It doesn´t include the bandana, make-up and lightstick.
It´s not numbered. But it costs me only €49,99!

Xbox Gamercards

PSN Gamercards
Old 05-04-2011, 07:34 PM
evilvort3x evilvort3x is offline
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

question does it cost for shipping to the UK?
Old 05-05-2011, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

Originally Posted by evilvort3x View Post
question does it cost for shipping to the UK?
Shipping to Holland was around 20 euro.

Originally Posted by matze1975 View Post
As i wrote on a diffrent thread, I bought one yesterday at my local Gamestop! It doesn´t include the bandana, make-up and lightstick.
It´s not numbered. But it costs me only €49,99!
I understand, but that's a strange comparison.
Old 05-05-2011, 12:50 AM
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Default Re: Sniper Ghost Warrior PS3 Survivor and Special Edition available for Pre-order

I got mine earlier. It was all bumped, dented, and scratched up. But for once I will accept it. Lol.

Seems that each of these is going to be slightly different in appearance, and I assume each is uniquely sprayed and bashed about. I bet mine has more rust on than yours!

My Sniper logo on the side is a bit smudged

I was sligghtly disappointed at not receiving the SteelBook, but if Ubisoft cancelled it then fair enough. However, I do think that this should've been reflected in the final price, and there should've been some kind of concession for it not including the Steelook, especially as they clearly show one on the website and it was one of the two reasons I opted to buy it (the other being the fact that it was limited to 200 pieces)

One other disappointing feature is the fact that the game is entirely German. I assumed the game would be multilingual, but turns out it's not, so I will have to track down an English copy of the game to make it more "complete"
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