when i was younger, right from as young as anyone can remember and far back before records began, i was always happy and content, giggling at everything and anything. never letting anything get me down, shrugging off anything negative and remembering only the good. and as grew grew from an ugly duckling to an ugly swan, this attitude continued with me throught my younger years. slowly with the help from those lovely things we like to call hormones but men just think its us in general, i forget where i was going with this so i`ll stop know and start another one. oh i remember i started to become less of the person i was before less of the happy sort and more of a plain, never happy, never sad young lady who would drift through life making friends laugh with random comments of this and that from obscure things to thingss that where down right funny all the way to insults but said in a such dead pain monotone dreary way you couldn`t help but laugh, some of my friends still expect this of me but i`m trying to be nice these days.
then after a while i started to be happy again as i began to learn more about myself and my likes and what dries me,
one of the things i like and drives me aove all else is the love and joy of learning, people may find this weird but i do enjoy learning, we live in such a big world, with different languages, cultures and much more that i accept its impossible to know everything, and i accept that i know nothing but i like finding out new things, een if i forget them a few seconds later.
now alot of you wouold thing my passion in life was assassin`s creed, and you would be way wrong, my passion the one thing i loe more then anything well i say anything i would loe a husband who cares for me and treats me like i`m important as i neer really feel special or important (hence the name
lowly) but forgive the "ramblings of a fool"(the name of my book), lets try and get to the point, oh yes my second greatest passion in life is the live music, i care not for your ipod, mp3, flac, cd, walkman, audio cassette, laser disc`s and to a lesser extent vinyl (long live the vinyl) live music is what is important, don`t care what genre or type it is if the whole piece (tiny bit of sampling is acceptable) can be performed live then it gets my vote
a few people here think i`m a rock chic and to some extent they`d be right but my love for music spans from the classical, through early 20th century upto the 90`s music, my faourite type of music would be hard to say, i think each genre and type of musci has a purpose and cannot be compared, like you cannot listen to some rock or metal quietly as it just ecomes noise, and from what i have found from my brief experience with the modern music they call dub step or whatever its called (the music children play through there cell phones) i cannot lissten to that thing loud.
another of my favourite things is camping as when you go camping you expose yourself to nature and strip yourself from creature comforts which exposes a rarely seen side of our true humanities forcing us to work together and e kind to each other, and when this camping experience is combined with a music experience such as a music venue then you get what i personally believe is heaven on earth and i have not yet experienced a nicer or etter place to be, the in a field with 100,000+ other people who are all there for the same reason, which is primarily to have a good time
isn`t that out goal in life really. to have a good time
more about me hmm,
i swing from being a person who loves company and wants to meet with everybody and make new friends, to someone who is content with my own company and enjoying the silence and piece it brings. this can happen on a day by day basis or i could be happy and outgoing for a month then spend 2-3 days being happily alone, i feel this keeps me interesting and keeps things fresh as it helps me learn not to take anything for granted and helps prevent me from geting stuck into routines
oh how i dislike the idea of being stuck in an endless routine, the horror, but who doesn`t right
i like nature and the idea that it is always in flux always changing, and never standing still, i don`t think there is any part of nature i truely dislike hate or despise, well maybe mans ability to hate, but is that not a contradiction (i don`t know how those things work)
along with my loe of nature and the natural i also like the architecture and design brought about my man, and how in an ever changing world something can be created that just stands still for a moment and says "THIS, this is what i am, no secrets, take me or leave me"
i think its important to sometimes take that moment and just stand still and look, listen, absorb what is there around us as we never know when it will be gone, although if we hold onto everything then we are doomed as if we do not let new things hapen then we are preventing progress
OKAY i feel i have gone way off topic and instead of doing a bio i hae been ranting and telling stories, so i`ll try and get back to where i was meant to be heading
sometimes in my life i just zone out, hae a blank expression on my face, go completely into myself, i stil function in the real world like do my job, eat, sleep etc but if you where to look at me you could tell my mind was else where, i`m not sure why this happens, it probably has a medical name but seeing as it has cause unknown and occurance cannot be predicted, and sometimes i dont realize its happening, it would be a very hard thing to get disagnozed or confront a medically type person about,
i like to think i am an individual, but that is part of the human condition and we all like to think that,
i would like one day to have a family, and a place to live somewhere with nice architecture so not a square house with no character, the place would not e too important aslong as i had a loving husband and children the everything else would be water under the bridge, i would prefer to live in an english speaking community, but am aware of the beauty of some countries like japan and the viking territories, (thats the new official name for those countries)
i prefer the warm to the could as when its cold i hae to wear alot of layers and it makes me feel cold and i dont like it much
although i don`t like extreme heat eaither as that makes me hot and thats not nice
i do like the feal of cold hands on my back, "thought you`d like to know"
i`m 5 feet 7 tall i think or there about it`s been a year or 2 since i measured, would prefer to be smaller say 5'2 but hey what can you do
i`m currently a size 10-12 ish give or take, size 10 in normal tops trousers skirts etc, but 12 in dresses generally
i like body in general, its a nice body, its got some nice marks on it, and a few stories to tell, i should like it its mine and i`m not getting another one (well i think there the rules any way)
theres a few things i would like different about me, i think my nose is too big, i know its not huge but i`d like it a little smaller, i dont`t like my hands but can`t do anything about that so i`ve just learnt to live with them
i think i`m too muscly, not body builder muscly but i walk alot of places, i walk for 30 mins to work and back for one job 5 days a week and an hour a day 4 days a week to another job, and this means i hae a lot of muscly muscle

which is annoying but if i stopped walking i guess it would all just turn into fat so i guess its fine
i love my legs there soo perfect well they look perfect to me when i wear heals so there :p not so much when i am sitting down though, then the tops of my legs look all fat and blurgh and i would like them to not look like that but cant seem to be ale to do anything short of lipo so im fine with them
lets see what else
i need glasses, but don`t want glasses as i love my eyes THIS< > much

and i think thats everything for now, i will have to re read this all and fill in any missing gaps
or if you want to know anything just ask and i`ll write anything you want
but i then encounter the immortal line
with out the sour, the sweet just isn`t as sweet
and that got me to realizing we have to have the bad things in order to make the happy things more precious