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Old 03-27-2014, 07:50 PM
combicoilag's Avatar
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combicoilag's Flag is: United States East Palestine, OH
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Default WTB: items from upcoming Trade Shows/Conventions

Want To Buy General Freebies
Title: Assassin's Creed, Titanfall, The Division, Dead Space, Borderlands, Bioshock, Gears of War, Anything by Bethesda or Bioware
Platform: any
region: any
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc)
Link to DB Entry: (if exists)

If anyone is going to PAX East, PAX Prime, SDCC, NYCC, E3, TGS, Gamescom, or Eurogamer, I am looking for someone to toss some extra Freebies my way from the titles listed above. Doesn't matter what it is Lanyards, Wristbands, Prints, Weird random stuff, etc.. But I do want to make it clear I don't want you to go out of your way, if say a booth featuring Assassin's Creed is giving something away for free and the line is incredibly long and you have no interest in AC then I don't expect you to go stand in a long ass line for me. Just if you have an extra of anything you can send my way I'd be eternally grateful. Also I'm just looking for the free promo stuff, I don't want you to spend your money in hopes that I will reimburse you, so to keep it safe just freebies. In return I will pay for whatever shipping costs you have and a little extra for your extra effort. I understand I am brand new to this form so if this get's no responses that is cool and I understand. Also I get that if you do have extras you would probably want to sell them more than just give it away, but like I said if you are already there and you can grab an extra for me I will be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance!
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