Originally Posted by Dreamcazman
Slim pickings. There will be even less and less as physical media twindles.
That is definitely true but I also think there are additional factors. The past two years, we were flooded with steelbooks, and a lot of people got frustrated with constant releases. Horrible horrible games that couldn't sell 5 copies started issues steelbook editions to piggy back on the back of collectors. I am not going to name them here, but a few of the largest collectors sold their collections and left the hobby for this exact reason. If they don't sell as strongly as they used to...
Additionally, I think even the regular customers started becoming aware of the demanding nature of steelbook collecting/collectors (through casual selling on ebay etc.). And I expect the return rate for steelbook editions got higher. I don't know about you all, but if I receive a dented steelbook form a retail store, it is going straight back. This increased return %, might have had an impact.