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Old 05-14-2011, 03:09 AM
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Thumbs up Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

At last I have found a site with folk whom share my passion for collecting special editions, namely special "limited" editions of the games I love to play. I'm the sort of person whom payed the full psn store price(remember psn anyone?)for Ghost of Sparta on psp in it's first week of publish, even tho I don't own a psp, just so I could get that awsome Kratos curling his lip at the world avatar for my psn(sob my poor defunct psn SYSOSony grrr)profile. I love unboxing them when they arrive or when i get home with them from the shop, and i also like watching others unbox theirs on you tube(sounds a bit kinky lol). You shew me yours before I shew you mine. Brings to mind watching that bloke from the UK on youtube whom unboxed the orig Assassin's Creed with a cool statuette of Altair which he payed only a fiver for. We wants it(the statuette edition, not the bloke), oh yes smeagol wants it oh ssso mutch, yessss yesss. I'm proud to own a real bobblehead boy, a $US300.00 maquette of Kratos from Sideshow Collectibles and a soon to be proud owner of Duke Nukem Balls of Steel Edition with and added Duke Nukem cap-cum-bottle-opener.
But I'm not all about me neither, as matierialistic as I might sound, I was donating 5 dollars a week via psn to Japan Tsunami via red cross before psn went down and I'm not above pointing people towards so they can become aware that we are not alone and that we are being lied to big time by NASA and JPL. Join the Planetary Truth Movement. Info and evidence is available in-site.
Well I'm off to trawl the net for more soon to be collectors editions. That's how I found this site, by searching Hunted Demon's Forge special editions. Thanks for taking an interest.

Pls feel free to join and like my Facebook page CollectorEditions:

Last edited by procion; 05-15-2011 at 05:24 AM. Reason: paragraphing
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Old 05-14-2011, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

nice to meet you, another PS3 collector
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:22 AM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa


About the NASA lying and stuff, funny you bring that up because I just watched a documentary called "Day Before Disclosure". It was pretty thought provoking!
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:49 AM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Hi. Thanks for visiting, although may I ask that you edit your welcome post to make it appear less like spambot spam? It has been flagged as spam by other users, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as I see you've taken the time to create an avatar and sig, and all seems to be legit. I can see why others would think this is spam though, as posting one massive block of text promoting a link is a usual trait of spambots
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Old 05-14-2011, 11:39 AM
matze1975 matze1975 is offline
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Hello and welcome!

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Old 05-14-2011, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix View Post
Hi. Thanks for visiting, although may I ask that you edit your welcome post to make it appear less like spambot spam? It has been flagged as spam by other users, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as I see you've taken the time to create an avatar and sig, and all seems to be legit. I can see why others would think this is spam though, as posting one massive block of text promoting a link is a usual trait of spambots
Thanks for the warning viz. the spambot thing. For my future postings for here and in other sites how would or should I edit my posts? I'm only introducing myself and providing a link to something that interests me. How does that make it spam? Is it the fact the link is there or is there too much information(ie wall of text) in my post or what?

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Old 05-14-2011, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Originally Posted by procion View Post
Thanks for the warning viz. the spambot thing. For my future postings for here and in other sites how would or should I edit my posts? I'm only introducing myself and providing a link to something that interests me. How does that make it spam? Is it the fact the link is there or is there too much information(ie wall of text) in my post or what?
I think they thought your post was spam because there was no paragraphing, and was just a solid block of text which is consistent with how spambots post. They obviously didn't take the time to actually read the words to see that the text was legit and not nonsensical.

No harm done, just remember to add a couple of paragraphs when you write so it's a little easier on the eyes
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Old 05-14-2011, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Hi procion
to the forums enjoy your stay.
That link you provided makes interesting reading to say the least
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:22 PM
GTRONIC's Flag is: Australia Australia & Poland
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Default Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Hello and Welcome

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Old 05-15-2011, 04:44 AM
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Smile Re: Hullo from way down under in Aotearoa

Right you are. I'm too used to using my ps3 browser which does not enable me to paragraph my posts, even tho i am using my new (old) ibook G4 which does enable me to paragraph. Lesson learnt, thanks.
As for requests for pictures, they are all available thru the said link in my introductory post at the top. I do not wish to post them herein as they do not pertain to gaming, and would be classed as off-forum, tho I believe as gamers, many of you will be interested to see these evidences. Everything within the site is free, apart from J P Skipper's book(he's my self appointed mentor, a very intelligent insightful logical man. He would do a vulcan proud methinks). One shot is of a huge nozzle, larger than any crane we have here on earth, in order to be seen from orbit, which shoots out some sort of spray for making what J P Skipper thinks are domes, as domes can be seen in adjacent shots.
One other joyous piece of news, for ps3 fans, and suffering xbox holders whom housed us as refugees during the interim, is the return of psn today, starting with update 3.61. Oh godly joyous choir bashings and lashings of angel studded happiness and devotions. PSN is nearly back upon us.
Btw, I'm procion on psn, and proscyon on xboxlive, add me if thou wilt...

Pls feel free to join and like my Facebook page CollectorEditions:

Last edited by procion; 05-15-2011 at 04:48 AM.
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