New member from the US
Hello everyone! I am new here. I've been looking at some of the collections here and I must say I am amazed at them! I don't have nearly as impressive of a collection as any of you... I am a little more specified in my collecting though.
By specified I mean I mostly collect items relating to just one game title, and if you can't tell by my icon it is inFamous. I actually have a website for it here: http://infamous.zombaid.net and a picture of most of my collection here: I also do have a rather small collection of other CEs and stuff as well. I've got press kits for Heavy Rain and Resistance 2.. As well as that UK HMV exclusive Heavy Rain edition. For regular CEs I've got ones for Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Resistance 2 (x2) and Littlebigplanet 2... I think that's all of them. I don't have good pictures of them though. I can get some if anyone is interested though. My main focus is inFamous things though. Speaking of inFamous, I am eagerly searching out an inFamous 2 press kit... If anyone here has one consider me extremely interested.
Re: New member from the US
Wow! I think its pretty safe to say you have the best inFamous collection!
I love the signed inFamous 1. I bid on a signed infamous comic back in the day but the seller ended the auction before it was done. |
Re: New member from the US
Thank you very much! I actually have two of those signed comics somehow... one of them I had bought on its own and then another one happened to come with something else I was bidding on.
Your post also just reminded me, I have a signed copy of Resistance 1 that I got done in-person at an event held by Insomniac Games.
Re: New member from the US
OMG - R:FoM signed? Selllll me that!! |
Re: New member from the US
Yep! I got it signed /in person/ by the staff. It was a lot of fun. Here's some pictures~
I don't think I could part with it though. It's super special to me considering all the circumstances with it and all.
Re: New member from the US
You have the R2 press kit as well, nice! |
Re: New member from the US
Thanks so much again! Yes, Resistance is one of my favorite franchises on the PS3 as well... I'm still debating on importing the R3 CE or not..depends on how expensive its going to be.
Actually Resistance was the deciding factor on me getting a ps3 in 2008! It seemed only natural I chose that title to get signed by the dev team.
Re: New member from the US
Resistance 2 wasn't nearly as good unfortunately The amazing co-op didn't really makeup for the huge downgrade in the MP imo. Resistance 1 is still probably the best MP experience I've had on PS3.
I'm going to be pre-ordering it, it comes with so many great items although I would have liked another statue like in the R2 one. I just hope its a little more limited than the R2 CE. |
Re: New member from the US
No I agree, it wasn't. Plus I felt like the single player was quite a bit more watered down in R2 as well.
I'm still on the fence about it. I really really want it but I don't know if I will be able to afford it, depending on the price. I'll have to see when it gets priced. I would have liked another figurine like in the R2 CE, but at least Resistance got a line of figures outside of just CEs as well.
Re: New member from the US
Maybe you should consider selling a certain signed item from earlier in the series...to makeup the money for it Yeah I've seen those figures and they look pretty cool but I can never get around to buying figures on their own. All the figures I have (on display at least) are from CEs or pre-order bonuses.
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