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Old 07-15-2011, 06:07 PM
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Default Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Kotaku reports that Europe is due a classy Game Of The Year Edition of Two Worlds II for the PS3, X360, & PC / Mac

If you recall, the UK missed out on a Two Worlds II CE due to the shipment getting water damaged on its voyage from China to the UK, and GAME had to cancel our orders. Europe already had that CE available a good four months previous

Here are the details for the GOTY Edition:

Kotaku reports that PC & Mac owners will receive a RED velvet box, whereas PS3 and X360 owners will receive a BLACK velvet box, although several retailers are citing the opposite. I am sure there is a reason for the colour variation, however, it is apparently REAL velvet, and has metal corners made to look like antique brass

It also comes with a bonus disc, pirate pin badge, and a double-sided map

It's due to be released on the 18th of October 2011. No telling whether this will be available in the UK or the rest of Europe, but I guess it will be generally available everywhere the original release of the game was

Last edited by Gemini-Phoenix; 07-19-2011 at 06:24 AM.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:39 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Nice find

I did however want to the red velvet over the black one. If the price works out less than the original game like all the other "game of the year editions", then this will be a bargain.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

F*ck, I want both, the red one is nice but I'd rather have an X360 version, so I'm guessing I'll preorder both xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.

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Old 07-15-2011, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

I just stumbled upon this news while browsing

They already have to for pre-order as well

What's interesting is that they show the colors of the Velvet opposite to what kotaku had reported, so the PC/Mac would get 'Black Velvet' and PS3/Xbox360 would have 'Red Velvet'. If you judge it by the picture shown, you'll notice both the Red Velvet and the open book are of the same size compared to the Black Velvet and they're also standing next to their specific color/console variation.

Also, in another site, they state that PC/Mac gets Black and Consoles get Red!?

I would've preferred this edition over the Royal Edition as it appears to have better quality. I guess I'll have to get this edition as well *sighs*
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

As I look into this, it looks like more sources are saying the Consoles will get the Red version where as the PC will get Black. I think it may be a mistake on Kotaku site.
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Old 07-16-2011, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Will this be available in N. America or is it European exclusive?
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Old 07-19-2011, 06:22 AM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Wouldn't be the first time Kotaku has reported something wrong. Last week they reported that Farmville was made by the same people that make Angry Birds, so it just goes to show that you can't assume everything written on that site is right.

It would be a Godsend if the console versions received the red velvet case, as it is the nicer of the two. And I agree, going by the promotional picture at the top, the PC / Mac version seems to be standing next to a larger black case, whilst the console versions are closer to a smaller red case. That doesn't neccessarily prove anything, as pictures are often deceiving, but if more than one retailer are citing the console version as having a red case, then it must be fact. I would rather believe a couple of retailers than a Kotaku blog post...
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Old 08-13-2011, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

If anyone had any doubts on which colour belongs to which version, I have found citation on the official Topware website:,two-worlds-ii--velvet-game-of-the-year-edition-coming-this-october!.html

They clearly state that the PC / Mac versions will have a black velvet case, and the console versions will have the lavish red velvet case

They also mention that this GOTY version of the game will also include the Pirates Of The Flying Fortress expansion pack
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Old 08-15-2011, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Looks Lovely would love this for the PS3
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Old 08-15-2011, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Two Worlds II (GOTY Edition) - PS3, X360, & PC / Mac (Europe)

Anybody seen this available to pre-order anywhere yet? Two months to go, so expect it to appear in the next couple of weeks
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