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Old 03-17-2010, 02:54 PM
Collector's Edition Collector's Edition is offline
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Arrow Two Tales of Phantasia Remakes Hitting PSP

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Namco Bandai Games weren't content with just announcing Solarobo this week -- the company also unveiled plans to release Tales of Phantasia X, a pair of remakes put together on a single disc. It's set to hit the PSP sometime later this year in Japan; no US release has been announced.
TOPX consists of two titles. The first, Tales of Phantasia Cross Edition, is a remake (originally released on the PSP in 2006) of the very first Tales RPG in the whole series. The Cross Edition has a few small improvements from the previous fully-voiced remake, including a revised battle system and a selection of new story events, but largely it's the same as before.
Completely new this time around is a full-on remake of Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon, an RPG released exclusively in Japan for the Game Boy Color in 2000. Set a hundred years after the original TOP, it tells the sale of Dio and Mel, two explorers who can change into a variety of outfits to transform their class and battle skillsets on the fly. The game largely revolves around exploring randomly-generated dungeons, and as you'd expect, the graphics and visual scenes have been completely redone from the ground up to modern PSP standards.
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