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Old 04-03-2015, 11:34 PM
Fox Fox is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Lol Im with you eternix. Common Amazon!
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Old 04-04-2015, 02:32 AM
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Nothing the whole day so far.....
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Old 04-04-2015, 03:41 AM
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Iwatasan View Post
Anybody looking for the sold-separately SMB Mario amiibo available today?

Is this one available outside NA?
Gamestop too:
"Let the world make it's choice for it won't matter, I will make it anew with His body for His betrayal!"
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Old 04-04-2015, 08:08 AM
geralds geralds is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Fox View Post
Im waiting on amazon too. If I miss it then thats it, I cant stay on the computer all day. Ill try to find them overseas. Ppl on Reddit are talking about "Tenso." They are like a deputy. I really dont see the difference in paying a scalper and them. Business is business. And hell youd probably get a better total price from ebay. With all the hours I put into yesterday and likely today, I should just pay a "scalper" price on ebay.
This is exactly how they can keep getting away with it because your so willing to pay and it will just keep encouraging this. This is why i take my stance on amiibos I just don't have to have them right at this moment and once they demand dies down they will be easier to find. You didnt get then dont get you really do not need it that badly. Its a $12 figure that scaplers are taking advantage of do to there popularity. Once they get more supported games nintendo will probably reprint it just like they are doing with marth. Meh this just my own personal advice you didnt get the chance to get it then do not get these are just a new things scalpers will take advantage of and encouraging this will only make this get worse in the future.

Just wait till there is a massive flood of these things on ebay in a few years after people stop caring so much. Once the 3ds stop selling and wii u unless there are an future comparability for these things eventually people are not going to care so much. Also These things are not ever that rare at all these things are printed world wide basically. There only going for a crap ton because people can not be patient. Just get a contact from out of country boom problem solved.

This is like what I say about sport video games it will fall eventually just don't get it right now wait patients saves people a lot of money.

Last edited by geralds; 04-04-2015 at 08:19 AM.
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Old 04-04-2015, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

"Scalping" is now an official job due to eCommerce. Its something we have to get used to. Ive spent about 14 hours in 2 days on the computer f5-ing. Id rather work and get paid for 14 hours than end up with a $12.99 toy. Yes I would pay double. In fact, I would pay $30 for specific amiibos. The reason why I would pay that is because Id rather spew out cash to a scalper and pay them for their time than waste my time getting carpal tunnel lol. The math works out for me.

Lets not forget who's behind this. Nintendo and all the other retailers trying to get exclusivity to specific figures. Nintendo knows what they're doing and its making their Investors happy (when I say Investors, Im talking about the stock mkt). Nintendo is building their popularity back up, increasing their business. If this comes at a cost to us little people then so be it.
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Old 04-04-2015, 10:07 AM
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Fox View Post
"Scalping" is now an official job due to eCommerce. Its something we have to get used to. Ive spent about 14 hours in 2 days on the computer f5-ing. Id rather work and get paid for 14 hours than end up with a $12.99 toy. Yes I would pay double. In fact, I would pay $30 for specific amiibos. The reason why I would pay that is because Id rather spew out cash to a scalper and pay them for their time than waste my time getting carpal tunnel lol. The math works out for me.
I agree so much with this perspective, and it's one I don't see much of among amiibo collectors. An appreciation of capitalist economics.

Work and get paid for 14 hours if you can do that. Comparatively, your time is more valuable than that of the people buying extras specifically for resale, who, I assure you, aren't pocketing much profit once their costs are covered (for the most part it works out to WAY less than minimum wage). Since your time is more valuable and you have the money to spend, your willingness to pay is higher than, say, a high school kid without a job. So it's more worth it to the high school kid to camp out for 14 hours to get an amiibo for $12.99 because their willingness to pay is lower and their time is comparatively less valuable.

This is the same mechanism at work with any mass produced or commodity good for sale in a capitalist economy. So yeah, unless we rise up and commandeer Nintendo's factories to ensure they produce one (or two? or...?) of each amiibo for every collector in the US (or the world? or...?) at a predetermined price point (what price? decided by who...?)...well, maybe you can already see why our little revolution wouldn't fare much better than how Nintendo's already doing. Limited resources, time, and production capacity. In a finite reality, it's way more efficient to let the market determine how many are available at different prices and convenience and cosmetic condition etc. and let people decide for themselves how many, if any, they want at any given price point.

My advice would be to decide what your own personal willingness to pay is for any given amiibo and stick to it. Factor your time searching into that. Thinking about it this way, it actually makes a lot of sense for some people who can afford it to pay above MSRP for the convenience, lower risk, and guaranteed cosmetic condition.

I think what happens is a lot of Americans see the $12.99 MSRP and feel that's the price these should be easily available at. Well, that's not how it works. Nintendo can make as many or as few as they want to and/or as many as they have the resources, time, and production capacity to produce. If what results is scarcity, MSRP goes out the window. The market sets the price. If the price is above your willingness to pay, don't buy it. If you can't afford a complete collection, given the context of supply scarcity and rabid demand, don't blame scalpers out of some sense of entitlement to MSRP. Remember, Nintendo just made that number up; they could have just as easily picked $22.99 or $129.99. As long as, in the end, there are enough sales to cover their costs and earn them a worthwhile return on investment, that's what matters, at least from a production standpoint (and from a reseller/scalper's standpoint).
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Old 04-04-2015, 10:21 AM
Spongebob Spongebob is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

All these comments give me the lol's. You could say the same thing about all the typing you're doing here. All that time, energy and thought over kids toys lol.
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Old 04-04-2015, 08:43 PM
Fox Fox is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Spongebob View Post
All these comments give me the lol's. You could say the same thing about all the typing you're doing here. All that time, energy and thought over kids toys lol.
...not sure if TROLL.
Nice to see ya Spongebob

Last edited by Fox; 04-04-2015 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 04-05-2015, 06:11 PM
Thetof91 Thetof91 is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

I feel sad for all of you in USA how hard it is to preorder..

Like back in last month when I went to pick up my toad amiibo.. I just asked if I could preorder the amiibo coming here in april.. And yeah was no problem at all..

Iwatasan I have send you a PM back, dont know if you have not seen it

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Old 04-05-2015, 07:53 PM
Saturn Saturn is offline
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Default Re: The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread

Over here it's almost impossible to preorder anything. Only a crappy online store over here has preorders for them. All the others never know anything util a few days before the release date. It sucks. I have to ask constantly in stores. I preordered wave 4 from a foreign website.
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