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Old 01-31-2012, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

lol You Should play it when he's done. It's awesome. A Tales classic which never originally made it to our shores unfortunately!! ;_;

lol way to combat the resellers. Sounds like fun!

Sucks that you can only redeem one game... I had also thought about buying them off ebay. Seen some nice bundles before with 30 or so different cards, but the majority I've already got. It'd be alright to use the spares on a second account, but that's effort! lol I've already got 3 accounts just to use up the duplicate cards I had! lol Waiting on a gold nunchuk for Wii making it's way onto our catalogue now! ^o^
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

I know, good idea though making another account for you excess ones. I joined the american one to see if I could redeem any there for those posters I properly fell in love with the 'Zelda through the years' type one but sadly you can't
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Apparently those posters sold out really quick. I've stopped buying posters though. They always seem to get damaged, even when they're in poster tubes, the edges get bashed somehow. Guess I'm just useless! lol Did you see the Zelda Nintendo points cards? Same designs as the posters. I was going to pick up a set of those. There's also pin badges with each game cover on right back through the ages which were sold in Japan. I think they were from a "gatcha ball" style machine...

Here's the points cards. (Ouch!)

Here's one of the badges. Not going to list them all. lol There was a seller selling a set for about £120 a few weeks ago, but I can't find it now...

Last edited by Cosmic_Link; 01-31-2012 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:56 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

The posters at the symphony were selling out really fast but there was no way I was paying £20 each for them lol The only Zelda poster I've got up and framed is the master sword in the pedestal in the lost woods from alttp. I'm convinced a similar one came with my copy of alttp but I don't have it. I got this one from america and it's got nintendo power on it, and I love it lol

I have seen the points ones yeah but I don't have any, I've got that HMV one but that's it. Aw they sound so cool, I used to be able to get a lot of stuff from Japan when I collected pokemon merchandise because the community I belonged to had some people who lived there or bought from there reliably and frequently. Now I wouldn't have a clue where to go for japanese zelda stuff, I don't trust ebay for hong kong/japan stuff lol
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Yeah I don't blame you. I wouldn't either. lol I actually don't have any Zelda posters. The only thing i have close is the TP picture sat with my Gold statue. lol That came with an issue of Nintendo Magazine. It has a number on it aswell saying limited edition, but doesn't say out of how many... ' Thought it was nice so framed it! lol My GF has a nice Canvas painting on Link. not sure where it came from. Somebody she knew bought it her and she's had it longer than I've known her. lol I'll try get a pic of it!

I've always been abit wary of what I've bought off ebay. If I get something I believe to be counterfeit I report it anyway and get my money back off paypal! lol Has only happened a few times! lol Just don't buy anything that has a location as Hong Kong. XD
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

xD There's not many Zelda items that are actually limited edition, even though they say it is there lol

Aw that sounds nice, I do like personally made things too, though I'm just jealous of anyone who can draw really lol

Yeah I've bought a few small things from hong kong through ebay, phone covers, cables etc. but I'd never buy anything big. I just recently bought a sealed PH for the second time on ebay and had to get a refund, first time I got one it was fake (but from the UK) US cover in a white DS box, and the one I've not long sent back was legit but had a rip in the cellophane and a huge ass sticker on the back that they failed to mention lol I'm not having much luck!
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:25 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Yeah, there aren't many. Only one's I can think of are the F4F statues, Silver DSL, "Big Box" Seasons/Ages, "Big Box" Majora's Mask (Would literally kill for one), "Big Box" Minish Cap SP Bundle and Club Nintendo statue.

I can't draw either. Not a creative bone in my body!! XD GF can draw though. One of us has to be creative! lol

That really annoys me when people don't fully describe the condition of items on ebay. How hard is it really!? They should know they're just going to get a load of hassle later on, so why even bother!? >.<
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Yeah those would be the ones I can think of aswell

Same here really, I can't draw but enjoy making things, but my boyfriend can come up with a story for a game in an instant lol

I know, a fake one I can understand you trying to flog that one to me but if you can't see a giant sticker on the back or a rip on the side there's something wrong with you lol
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:31 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Talking about Nintendo stars ive got a spare ridge racer 3ds code if anyone wants to swap for a code they have that I don't?

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Old 01-31-2012, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: No prizes for guessing what I collect :P

Those are some of the ones i would love to own, but are so hard to come by now and when they do come up, they're so expensive, that I just can't justify it! Praying Dan at the Toy shop will come through for me again!!! XD

People will sell any old junk on ebay though! lol I'm trying to sell an RROD Xbox 360 advertised as fully working. jk, but you get the idea! lol
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