Originally Posted by HIPPEEDUDE
Well,if this "one" place has a bunch of them see if you can get me one,lol
Look,reality is alot of members are resellers,its as simple as that for one reason or another. However i think the unwritten rule of a member help another member policy should apply. If something cost $100,i would be happy to pay another member $20 or $30 extra,maybe a little more if i either couldnt get something because of faulty store sites like Irrational or for some other reason. However i wont accept paying double or triple the price,thats just plain price gouging & a ripoff in my mind. Thats not what this site is about surely,isnt this place where collectors unite to expand their knowledge & to help other members if they are able to or can without causing harm or large exspense to themselves.
It was a "gaming journalism company" that got all of those, so no I can't get any from them
Also I said the same as you, if you look back i gave reasons to why this practice can be fine if done right. I was saying $150 $160 I could understand but x4... nope.