New member from the US
Hello everyone! I am new here. I've been looking at some of the collections here and I must say I am amazed at them! I don't have nearly as impressive of a collection as any of you... I am a little more specified in my collecting though.
By specified I mean I mostly collect items relating to just one game title, and if you can't tell by my icon it is inFamous. I actually have a website for it here: http://infamous.zombaid.net and a picture of most of my collection here: I also do have a rather small collection of other CEs and stuff as well. I've got press kits for Heavy Rain and Resistance 2.. As well as that UK HMV exclusive Heavy Rain edition. For regular CEs I've got ones for Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Resistance 2 (x2) and Littlebigplanet 2... I think that's all of them. I don't have good pictures of them though. I can get some if anyone is interested though. My main focus is inFamous things though. Speaking of inFamous, I am eagerly searching out an inFamous 2 press kit... If anyone here has one consider me extremely interested.
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