Mass Effect 3 N7 Collectors Edition confirmed
Amazon.de listed the N7 CE for Mass Effect 3.
The additional content: Digital features: - N7-Arsenal Pack contains Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, SMG - Squad-Mate Alternate Appearance Pack - Normandy ?Robotic Dog?-Companion - Commander Shepard Casual Outfit (N7-Hoodie) - Exclusiv Lithograph (Dimensions 10 x 15 cm) - Soundtrack with exclusive Musictracks - Additional Mission and Character - Xbox Live Normandy-Avatar (Xbox 360 Version only) - Exclusiv Forum-/Social-Avatare and emblems and perks Physical extras: - Exclusive N7-Patch - 70 pages, bound Art-Book with exclusive insights - Limited Mass Effect Dark Horse Comic with unique Cover Art A lot of exclusive Stuff here... :-) Published in March 2012. Price: PC ? 74.99 / PS3 and XBOX 360 ? 89.99 Via... View this article on the HomePage. |
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