Originally Posted by EagleStrike
From what they shown at this demo the gameplay looks too similar to AC3 ... The hidden blade animations are copied from Connor, i didn't like it.
Only things i liked is the improved naval battle system and the interaction with the crowd while hiding.
at you mean the crowd interactions that they demo'd at E3 2012 for ACIII and then removed from the game and never mentioned it again as if it never existed, I think it would get slightly annoying if he only had 1 line of dialogue when leaving a woman on a bench and one line for leaving a gambling group... So I expect at least 30 lines if dialogue for each action as I don't want kenway to be repeating himself too often when I am playing
Yes the running kill animation was the sane but let's not complain that Ezio used altairs climbing animations for 3 games and they all use Desmond's walking animation
Let's all complain about the huge lack of loading screens so we will never be able to run in circles or into invisible walls in the animus core programming/loading screen