Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will be arriving in stores next month in both standard trim and a Limited Edition. In anticipation of the release I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the Limited Collector's Edition of the first Rainbow Six Vegas to get an idea of what the new release might be like.
As you can see from the pictures the Limited Collector's Edition was fairly standard fare with a standard 2 disc snap case inside a cardboard slip cover. What was nice was that the slip cover had a shiny reflective finish over it and the package also included a 48 hour Xbox Live trial card with the game art on it.
The bonus disc had a lot of nice behind the scenes content but it was unfortunately in a DVD Movie format which means two things: 1. 480p resolutions on all the videos which really diminishes the presentation quality and 2. no chance for bonus in game content or other things like gamer pictures or dashboard themes. The one thing Ubisoft did do right was make this version of the game actually limited in production. It's quite a difficult edition to find and beyond what's included that's what really makes releases like this special.
Here's hoping that for R6V2 we'll get a steelbook case and a 2nd game disc with bonus content as opposed to just a DVD movie.
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